We need your sport club's details

Date: 04 July 2019 By: Anton van Zyl

The Zoutpansberger is in the process of updating all details of sport clubs in the Soutpansberg region. The aim is to establish a directory of sport clubs, the various representatives and also details such as membership fees and practise times.

To start off the project, the newspaper will endeavour to make space available in each week’s edition, focusing on the sport clubs. Each week a different club will be featured. The sport club will be invited to use the space to tell readers more about their club and the specific sport. Committee members can be introduced to the readers, as well as the various league structures and competitions.

The information will then be used on the Zoutpansberger’s website, in a section dedicated to sport clubs. Each club will have a unique page, which can easily be updated should information change. The page will include contact details of the club and how members of the community can join the club.

The goal is to publish a list of sport clubs in each week’s edition, along with basic information about the clubs. Where available a QR link will make it easy for readers to visit the club’s page on the website, where more detail will be available.

Sport clubs are encouraged to contact Andries or Anton at the Zoutpansberger (015 516 4996). There is no cost involved, the only requirement being that it is a properly constituted sport club affiliated to the relevant sporting bodies.




Viewed: 370



Anton van Zyl

Anton van Zyl has been with the Zoutpansberger and Limpopo Mirror since 1990. He graduated from the Rand Afrikaans University (now University of Johannesburg) and obtained a BA Communications degree. He is a founder member of the Association of Independent Publishers.


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